There are events in Nostale that happen on a hourly or daily basis.
Below are some listed events and their discription.
Rainbow Crystal Battle
Rainbow Crystal Battle is basically a game of PvP.
More information explained in this post.
(*NOTE: You do not get 10k SP for walkover win. In this case, the seal will not get used up.)
Posted by SwordFish
Rainbow Crystal event!
Land Of Death
Land Of Death is a training ground for family members. it is a place recommended for level 50+. You may also obtain some rare items in this place.
Monsters in Land of death include: Reborn Devil, Skull Drake, Fire Drake, Dark Lander, Death Knight, Dark Horn.
Prepare yourself with mainly fire and dark resist (>100%) and you have a lower chance of dying.
Lod Timings by Moja
Land of Death Timer
Instant Combat
Instant Combat is a pay to enter, mass kill event. Up to 50 players can join an instant combat session and the aim is to survive all 5 waves for monster spawns and kill the boss monsters that spawn in the last wave.
Facts about Instant Combat:
- Items will spawn around 1min after each wave
- You cannot revive in Instant Combat
- Instant Combat has 2 category, level 1~50 and 51~99.
- You will receive gold, reputation and dignity as rewards only if you defeat all the monsters, not just surviving.
A small info showing the times for Instant Combat, the monsters and the items.
Info from SilentAerrow
Instant combat and Ice breaker time
Ice Breaker
Ice Breaker is another pay to enter event. The aim of event is have 1 team in domination. In an event which there is only 2 person around, you only have to defeat your opponent once to win.
Facts about Ice Breaker:
- Aka Freeze tag
- When you are killed for the first time, you are frozen
- kill somebody twice and he/she will be out of the event
- There are a few category in Ice breaker
- The person who killed you cannot unfreeze you
- You are in the party of the person who unfreeze you; it will not show as a party, but you cannot hurt each other.
- Winning the event gives you gold, reputation and dignity as rewards