
Nostale Class Destroyer

Fire the Shotgun
Skill level: 0
Range: 6 cell
Target: single
Casting time: 0.2 sec
cooldown: 0.8 sec
mp cost: 0
Effect:Long range attack increase: 150 Fire element increase: 180

Fast Shot
Skill level: 2
Range: 6 cell
Target: single
Casting time: 0.2 sec
cooldown: 7.0 sec
mp cost: 45
Effect:Long range attack increase: 300 Fire element increase: 350 30% chance of causing [Blackout] (Lvl 1 bad general effect, Cannot move/attack/avoid attacks, lasts for 5 seconds)

Lucky Wideshot
Skill level: 4
Range: 6 cell
Target: Special Area
Casting time: 0.4 sec
cooldown: 40.0 sec
mp cost: 70
Effect:Long range attack increase: 700 Fire element increase: 700 Probability for fatal attack is increased by 100%

Booster On
Skill level: 6
Range: Itself
Target: single
Casting time: 0.2 sec
cooldown: 55.0 sec
mp cost: 180
Effect:100% chance to generate [Booster On] (Lvl 5 good magic effect, Move speed is increased by 3, lasts for 42 seconds)

Skill level: 8
Range: Itself
Target: single
Casting time: 1.0 sec
cooldown: 2.5 sec
mp cost: 50
Effect:Set up a Claymore at your feet. (A Claymore is a bomb with an area of effect of about 3 cells. After this skill has been cooled down you can use this skill again to detonate the claymore. The cooldown after doing this will be around 30 seconds. If the Claymore has been destroyed before you detonated it the cooldown will be about 1 second.)

Gas Shell
Skill level: 10
Range: 6 cell
Target: Around target in 1 cell
Casting time: 0.5 sec
cooldown: 60.0 sec
mp cost: 90
Effect:100% chance to cause [Gas Poison] (Lvl 5 bad magic effect, Defence levels are decreased by 2, always get a fatal attack at the rate of 50%, lasts for 20 seconds. 50% chance to cause [2nd Gas Poison] upon release (Lvl 6 bad magic effect, any attack is not allowed, lasts for 5 seconds))

Burst Shot
Skill level: 12
Range: 6 cell
Target: single
Casting time: 0.5 sec
cooldown: 23.0 sec
mp cost: 110
Effect:Long range attack increase: 300 Fire element increase: 1500 Push opponent 4 blocks

Health Pack
Skill level: 14
Range: itself or 3 cell
Target: single
Casting time: 0.4 sec
cooldown: 100.0 sec
mp cost: 85
Effect:Remove bad effects of lvl 3 or lower

Boom Shot
Skill level: 16
Range: 6 cell
Target: around enemy in 1 cell
Casting time: 0.5 sec
cooldown: 35.0 sec
mp cost: 150
Effect:Long range attack increase: 900 Fire element increase: 1100 40% chnace to cause [Serious Bleeding] (Lvl 3 bad disease, every 2 seconds lose HP by caster lvl * 4, lasts for 20 seconds. 30% chance to cause [Broken-Heart Disease] upon release (Lvl 1 bad disease, every 4 seconds lose MP by caster lvl / 3, move speed is decreased by 20%, lasts for 30 seconds)

Fire Mine
Skill level: 18
Range: itself
Target: single
Casting time: 1.0 sec
cooldown: 60.0 sec
mp cost: 160
Effect:Release 3 Fire Mines at your feet. (A Fire Mine has an area of effect of around 3 cells and an attack range of 1 cell. It will find and chase its target on its own, though the target is selected at random within a certain area. After attacking the Fire Mine is destroyed.)

Hell Drop
Skill level: 20
Range: 6 cell
Target: around target in 2 cells
Casting time: 1.2 sec
cooldown: 120.0 sec
mp cost: 200
Effect:Long range attack increase: 1000 Fire element increase: 1500 80% chance to cause [Deadly Blackout] (Lvl 3 bad general effect, cannot move or attack, lasts for 6 seconds. Second Symptom, after 0.5 seconds, cannot avoid attacks.)

Credit NostaleUk

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