Jelly Raid Summery:
Basically you run through a big map, flipping three switches, and kill 11 mini cubes before you fight Mother Cuby.
Jelly Raid Requirements:
-Jelly Raid Seal
-Minimum 5 raiders, Maximum of 15
-Must be over level 30
Jelly Raid Recommendations:
- Mages with upgraded heal, 2~3
- Warriors with AoE’s, 5~8
- Fire Mages with AoE’s, 2~6
- Blade or archer for luring, 1~2
- Holy Mage, 1
- Between levels of 40-49
- don’t use ranged NPC’s or pets
- bring pots
Jelly Raid Instructions:
-Do not pull levers or lure (assign 2~3 persons to pull levers and lure)
-Make sure most members stick as a group. A single target away from a group dies quickly.
Must destroy all cubies and pull all levers before fighting the Mother Cuby.
Jelly Raid Tactics: (when fighting Mother Cuby)
- When you reach Mother Cuby, stay in a group in front of Mother Cuby.
- Allow jelly’s to come into the group, the AoE
- Let warriors use Provoke to get hamsters to come into the group
Jelly Raid Roles:
-Keeping buffs and healing all players
Fire Mages:
-using AoE’s on enemies and hitting Mother Cuby
Holy Mages:
-Keeping buffs and healing all players
-Hitting mother cuby
- Using AoE’s and hitting mother cuby
- Using provoke to lure in hamsters
- Luring Cubes and pulling levers
- Attacking Mother Cuby and AoE’s
- Normally transform into warrior before Mother Cuby
- Luring cubes
- Press ‘Z’ to get close to Mother Cuby
Rangers and Assassins:
~Need to Add~
Misc. Tips:
-If you are new to the Jelly Raid, please respect everyone around you, and listen to what your fellow raiders have to say.
-Don't bait unless you know what you're doing.
-cry ‘Heal CHARACTER NAME’ if you need healing (and the situation allows for a bit of time to type)
Credit Zoanthia and NostaleUK
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