Combat lv required to obtain SP quest : 65.
Job lv required to equip SP card : 55.
Location of Soul Gem : New map.

Things to note :
- Prepare 3million in advance. It will be needed (no refund btw).
- For TS A/B/C, sin sp will be useful.
- Monsters hunting will be mainly in Act 3 maps.
- New map = Act 3 maps, unnamed.
- NPC # = Unknown NPC.
- * = Quest items.
- Tips
Guide for SP quest.
- Talk to Soul Gem at new map to obtain 4th SP card quest.
- Talk to NPC 1 at new map.
- Hunt Bulky Zombie-Guard (Lv70, Secret Lab 1F/2F) to obtain "Whitney's research dissertation*".
- Hunt Skull Hammerer (Lv74, Secret Lab 3F) to obtain "Quest item A*".
- Talk to NPC 1 to obtain "Purple fragment of memory*".
- Talk to Soul Gem to obtain "Time-space piece A*".
- Use and complete "Time-space piece A*".
This TS contain mostly water/light elements monsters, eg Sentinel (light), King-Leeches, Moth. Boss is light.
Archer = Use Destroyer/Sin.
Mage = Use normal (for lv7x) or Water/Fire mage.
Swordsman = Use Warrior.
The NPC in this TS is dark, use them wisely and they have a good amount of hp to tank too. - Talk to Soul Gem.
- Talk to NPC 2 at new map.
- Hunt 80x Lumber Yak (Lv75, New map).
- Hunt 70x Tree Zombie (Lv73, New map).
- Talk to NPC 2 to obtain "Green fragment of memory*".
- Talk to Soul Gem to obtain "Time-space piece B*".
- Use and complete "Time-space piece B*".
This TS has mostly Time-limit rooms. NPC in TS has a good amount of hp, use them as tank.
Archers = Use Sin and stealth.
Mage/Swordsman = Consider hiding at the portal to avoid combat. Either use holy mage/crusader and heal the NPC, or use lunia of restore. - Talk to Soul Gem.
- Talk to NPC 3 at new map.
- Hunt Wollet (Lv70, New map) to obtain "Quest item B*".
- Talk to NPC 3 to obatin "Time-space piece C*".
- Use and complete "Time-space piece C*".
Again, this TS has Time-limit rooms.
Archer = Use Sin and stealth. However, there's one map where you need to clear/kill all.
Mage = Use Jaja/mage's teleport skill if needed.
Swordsman = Use Jaja if needed. - Talk to NPC 4 at new map.
- Talk to NPC 1 and pay 3million.
- Hunt King-Leeches (Lv73, New map) to obtain "Quest item C*".
- Hunt Cricket Mole (Lv74, New map) to obtain "Quest item D*".
- Hunt 50x Mother Mole (Lv78, New map).
- Hunt 50x Rechen (Lv77, New map).
- Hunt 30x Sentinel (Lv75, New map).
- Use and complete "Time-space piece D*".
This TS has mostly Light monsters, remember to use light resistance. NPC in TS has a good amount of hp, use them wisely.
Archer = Use Sin.
Mage = Use Water mage.
Swordsman = Use Warrior. - Talk to Soul Gem.
- Congratulations. You gotten the 4th SP card.
Hammer attack
Skill lv: 0
Range: 2
Target: Select one
Casting time: 0.0s
Cool time: 0.8s
MP: 0
Effect: Short-range Attack: +120 Dark element emerges: +150
Mad ax blow
Skill lv: 2
Range: 2
Target: Select one
Casting time: 0.2s
Cool time: 5.5s
MP: 20
Effect:Short-range Attack: +360 Dark element emerges: +500 Special effects: 10% chance of Shock Paralysis (Lv3 Bad General effect, unable to move, lose (caster lv*2) HP per 2s, last for 5s)
Big Swing
Skill lv: 4
Target: Around enemy 3 cells
Casting time: 0.4s
Cool time: 18s
MP: 160
Effect:Short-range Attack: +360 Dark element emerges: +300 Special effects: 20% chance of Dizziness (Lv1 Bad General effect, unable to move, unable to attack, cannot be avoided, last for 5s)
Frantic Wings
Skill lv: 6
Range: Itself
Target: Itself
Casting time: 0.5s
Cool time: 90s
MP: 110
Effect:Special effects: 100% chance of Violent Wing (Short-range Attack +400, Speed +2, All defense -200)
Sonic blink strike
Skill lv: 8
Range: 5
Target: Select one
Casting time: 0.0s
Cool time: 14.0s
MP: 120
Effect:Short-range Attack: +100 Dark element emerges: +250 Special effects: 30% chance of Serious bleeding (Lv3 Bad Disease effect, lose (caster lv*4) HP per 2s, last for 20s)
Skill lv: 10
Range: 2
Target: Select one
Casting time: 0.4s
Cool time: 19.0s
MP: 55
Effect:Short-range Attack: +570 Dark element emerges: +720 Special effects: 50% chance of Dizziness, 100% Hit
Rage blow strike
Skill lv: 12
Range: Itself
Target: Around enemy 2 cells
Casting time: 0.2s
Cool time: 32.0s
MP: 150
Effect: Short-range Attack: +700 Dark element emerges: +950 Special effects: 80% chance of Inability (Lv5 Bad Magic effect, attack/defense grade reduce to 0, last for 15s)
Armour Break
Skill lv: 14
Range: 2
Target: Select one
Casting time: 1.0s
Cool time: 35.0s
MP: 40
Effect :Special effects: 100% chance of Broken Armor (Lv5 Bad Magic effect, defense -80%, last for 30s)
Mad strong explosion
Skill lv: 16
Range: 2
Target: special area
Casting time: 0.5s
Cool time: 50.0s
MP: 180
Effect: Short-range Attack: +1100 Dark element emerges: +1200 Special effects: 60% chance of Shock (Lv2 Bad General effect, unable to attack/dodge, Speed -3, last for 5s)
Bloodthirsty rampage
Skill lv: 18
Range: Itself
Target: Itself
Casting time: 0.0s
Cool time: 60.0s
MP: 100
Effect:Special effects: 100% chance of Bloodthirsty rampage (Lv3 Good Magic effect, lose (caster lv*4) HP per 2s, Dark element emerges +500, last for 20s)
Dimension cuts
Skill lv: 20
Range: Itself
Target: Around enemy 4 cells
Casting time: 0.6s
Cool time: 120.0s
MP: 200
Effect:Short-range Attack: +1400 Dark element emerges: +1700 Special effects: 80% chance of Damaged Armor (Lv4 Bad General effect, All defense null and void, last for 10s)
Credit NostaleUk
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