How To Get Pajama ??
1. Reputation have to be Trainee (501-1000) or higher 2. Job level have to be 10+ Now, how to start? Note: it’s a very long boring quest, but the rewards are worth it. Start the quest by clicking on the purple diamond in Sunny Meadows. Locate the purple diamond on your mini map. After you get closer to the diamond, it should be labeled Gem of Mystery. Double click the gem to be teleported to another mini map. Inside that mini map, click on a big stone labeled Yellow Gem of Mystery. Then you start the quest, don’t forget to be level 27+. Now I’m going to list the steps of the Pajama Card Quest: 1. Bring Pajama Fairy 50 wool for a blanket, wool can be found by killing wooleys, sheep’s, and rammers. If your lazy, buy them 2. Bring Pajama Fairy 50 chicken feathers for a pillow, chicken feathers are not droppable, tradable, etc. Only the person doing the quest can obtain chicken feathers. Chicken feathers are dropped by super chickens located in the right portal of the Gem of Mystery 3. Bring Pajama Fairy 40 low quality trees for a bed frame, best way is to get it as a bonus prize form the level 12 Time Space Stone. If your lazy, buy them. Another way is to play mini games and get rewards from them 4. Almost there! Bring Pajama Fairy 30 jelly for a mattress, obtain jellys by killing Baby Red Jellys found in the same mini map as Super Chickens. Jellys are not droppable, tradable, etc. Again, only the person doing the quest can get it, can’t ask higher levels to get it for you. 5. This is the easy part, Pajama Fairy will teleport you to a Time Space Stone, but don’t worry, its not hard. All you have to do is go down until you reached an end, then go left. 6. Reward: Pajama SP Card! Now its time to go train your job.

Pillow Hitting Job Level: 0 Your basic attack for a pajama, smack a pillow at the enemy!

Playing Dead
Job Level: 2
Your character will lie down on the ground and pretend to look dead (Monsters will still attack you though)

Job Level: 4
Your character will sleep on the floor, using the pillow as a pillow

Job Level: 6
Your character will lie down using the pillow as a cushion, looking bored and sad

Lie Flat
Job Level: 8
Your character will lie down flat using the pillow as a cushion

Bedding Exercise
Job Level: 10
Your character will exercise: 2 stretches on the right hand, and 2 stretches on the left hand

Tea Time
Job Level: 12
Your character will drink tea, using the pillow for a cushion

Playing Tambourine
Job Level: 14
Your character will bang the tambourine on his/her head

Lean of You
Job Level: 16
Your character will look as if you are learning about something

Forgive Me
Job Level: 18
Your character will beg for forgiveness by kneeling on the ground, extending both arms in the air, and crying

Read Book
Job Level: 20
Your character will read a purple book tilted Nostale in colorful letters.
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