Primary Attack Grade and Damage
This is the attack grade and damage of your primary weapon. (Primary weapons are Swords, Bows, and Wands.) Firstly, you can see a damage range. This damage range is not the damage you deal to the opponent, but just a gauge. The actual damage you deal to the opponent is affected by your attack grade, the opponent’s defence and defence grade and other elemental factors.
Another thing that affects your damage is the attack grade. The attack works in a simple way, and follows this formula:
Your Attack grade – opponent’s Defence grade = Grade difference effect (%Increase/decrease)
The Grade difference effect is shown below:
0 grade = 0%
1 grade = 10%
2 grade = 15%
3 grade = 22%
4 grade = 32%
5 grade = 43%
6 grade = 54%
7 grade = 65%
8 grade = 90%
9 grade = 120%
10 grade = 200%
(for example: I have a Primary weapon 100~200, +10. My opponent has a defence grade +6.
10 – 6 = 4.
My weapon will hit an additional 32%.
So, 100~200 X 132%.)
(*Note: Grade Difference only affects Damage Range.
It does not affect Hit rate/Concentration or Critical Rate and Critical Damage)
(Critical Rate and Damage applies to both Primary and Alt weapons, which will be discussed later.)
Secondary Attack Grade and Damage
This is the Attack Grade and Damage range of your secondary weapon, also known as alt weapon. (Secondary weapons are Crossbows, daggers, and spell guns.) Again, you see an Attack Grade and Damage range. The Attack Grade and Damage range of the alt weapon works the same way as your primary weapon. The alt weapon is used in some skills and even in some Specialist Classes. (Refer to above for the Attack grade table)
All weapons, except wands have this:
Concentration and Hit Rate
Higher Concentration reduces the chance that your spell gets interupted when casting.
Higher Hit Rate increases the chance to hit the enemy without a miss.
Defence Grades and Defences
Defence is vital for survival, so you need as much defence as possible, but there are so many types of defence, so which is which?
First, let’s talk about Defence Grades. It works the same as Attack Grades, in terms of the Grade difference effect. As mention earlier, the formula for grade difference effect still applies, but now, it’s reversed.
(For example, you have a armour with XX defence and its +5. Your opponent has a attack of 100~200 and +6 grade.
6 – 5 = 1.
You get 10% more damage from your opponent’s attack.)
This grade difference, applies to:
- Melee Defence
- Range Defence
- Magic Defence
(*Note: Grade difference does not affect dodge rate.)
Melee Defence is denoted by this:
Range Defence is denoted by this:
Magic Defence is denoted by this:
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