In Nosville Meadow, turn to the left into the Full Moon Roof, there's a ts there, complete it!
- 40 minutes timer (I think)
- Pull 5 levers
- Kill 5 Small Namaju avatar
- Watch out for traps
- Kill Namaju before bombs falls on you (5minutes left in raid )
Note on Namaju raid:
Namaju raid is for level 50-99, lower level can join the raid but I prefer experienced people and level 55+. This raid is quite easy, if the teams cooperate properly. It’s really not that hard, just watch out for Nonomaru, Ghost in love and ninjas. Kill these in order Ghost>Nonomaru>ninjas, ghosts are really powerful so don’t gather a lot of them. When you see a trap under you (a red circle under you) do not stick with the crowd, I REPEAT DO NOT STICK WITH THE CROWD, just go above the team so the spike will not attack team mates. Only Pull the levers after you see mission update (killing the shining small namaju avatar). NOW ONLY LEVEL 20 JAJAMARU SKILLS CAN HURT NAMAJU OR SMALL NAMAJU (Power of Empty Heart)
Team Requirements for Namaju Raid:
- Level 50+ (prefer level 55+)
- 6+ Job Level 20 for jajamaru (to hurt namaju)
- 2+ Warriors
- 3+ Mage (2 Holy ,age and 1 Normal mage,)(1 Red mage is acceptable for more fire power)
- Joyful and understanding people lol
- Where are the archers you say? Well they’re not really needed.. But you can add them if you want.
The People’s Role:
Warrior - lure the enemies to the group (remember lure a certain amount). Remember warriors you can not hurt Namaju, so at the boss stage kill only the ninjas. And other stage either stun the Small Namaju Avatar or sit and watch the Jajamaru kill Namaju.
Mage/HolyMage - Heal and buff the team. There are 4 parts of buffing; the beginning, the 3rd room,5th room and the boss room. Just basically heal the team and every so often check the HP of the leader. At the Boss stage kill the ninjas and heal.
Jajamaru - MUST BE LEVEL 20, if the jajamaru hob level is not 20 it’s useless. Anyways, just frog, bomb, fire and shoot stars at the ninjas, when namaju comes, attack it with the level 20 skills (Power of Empty Heart).
Archers/Sin - Just kill the ninjas and pull lever when namaju is dead but any can pull the levers when namaju is dead =P. That is all
Firstboss’s Team set up:
- 7-10 Jajamaru
- 1 Norma mage
- 2 Holy mages
- 2 Warriors
- If cant get more than 7 jajamaru put warriors/archer/sin or more holy mages
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